Monday, April 23, 2012

How to Get Rid of Old Nail Polish You No Longer Want

I tend to keep my old nail polishes since I collect them as a hobby. But sometimes, like when you are moving, it might be a good idea to get rid of some nail polishes.

That brings up the question of how exactly to dispose of nail polish. It is pretty obvious that pouring it down the drain is not a good idea. If you do that it can contaminate the waste water treatment facility. You may think it is okay to throw polish in the trash, but it is not. If nail polish ends up in a landfill it can leak and contaminate the ground and water supply with chemicals.

Nail polish and remover are considered household hazardous waste. The correct way to dispose of them is to drop them off at your local household hazardous waste collection facility. Find one near you at


  1. Oh dear, I never quite thought of the consequences of simply dumping my nail polish into the bin. Thanks for raising awareness!

  2. You're welcome! I never really thought about disposing of polish before, since I used to just keep adding to my collection and never getting rid of any polishes.
